
In today’s digital age, internal communication is more important than ever. Organizations are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to connect with their employees, and one medium that has gained significant popularity is podcasting. Internal comms podcasts provide a unique opportunity to engage and inform employees in a convenient and accessible format.

But behind every successful internal comms podcast is a skilled podcast editor. The role of a podcast editor goes beyond just cutting and splicing audio clips. They are responsible for ensuring that the content is clear, engaging, and effectively communicates the organization’s message to its employees.

In this blog post, we will explore the essentials of being an internal comms podcast editor. We will discuss the importance of understanding your audience and crafting clear and effective messaging. We will also delve into the planning and preparation phase, including creating a content calendar to ensure a consistent and organized approach.

Recording techniques are also a crucial aspect of podcast production. We will guide you through choosing the right recording equipment, implementing audio recording best practices, and mastering interview techniques to create dynamic and engaging conversations.

But the work doesn’t stop there. The editing and post-production phase is where the magic happens. As an internal comms podcast editor, you will learn about your role in shaping the final product, from basic editing techniques to enhancing audio quality and adding music and sound effects to create a professional and polished podcast.

Lastly, we will explore the importance of effective distribution and engagement. You will discover the various distribution platforms available and how to choose the right one for your organization. We will also provide insights on marketing your podcast internally and measuring listener engagement and feedback to continuously improve and evolve your podcast.

Whether you are a seasoned podcast editor looking to enhance your skills in the realm of internal comms or someone new to the field wanting to understand the essentials, this blog post will provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in the role of an internal comms podcast editor. So let’s dive in and unlock the secrets to creating impactful and engaging internal comms podcasts.

Introduction to Internal Communications Podcasting

Internal communications podcasting has emerged as a powerful tool for organizations to effectively communicate with their employees. In this section, we will explore the concept of internal communications podcasting and its significance in the corporate world.

What is Internal Communications Podcasting?

Internal communications podcasting refers to the creation and distribution of audio content within an organization for the purpose of disseminating information, engaging employees, and fostering a sense of community. It involves producing regular episodes that cover a range of topics relevant to the organization and its workforce.

Benefits of Internal Communications Podcasting

Internal communications podcasting offers several benefits that make it an attractive communication medium for organizations. Some key advantages include:

  1. Accessibility: Podcasts can be accessed anytime, anywhere, making them convenient for employees to listen to during their commute, breaks, or even while working.
  2. Engagement: The audio format allows for a more personal and conversational style of communication, fostering a deeper connection between the organization and its employees.
  3. Multitasking: Podcasts enable multitasking, as employees can listen while performing other tasks, maximizing productivity and learning opportunities.
  4. Authenticity: Podcasts offer a platform for authentic voices within the organization to share insights, experiences, and stories, creating a sense of transparency and trust.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to other forms of internal communication, podcasting can be a cost-effective solution, requiring minimal equipment and resources.

Examples of Successful Internal Communications Podcasts

To better understand the impact and potential of internal communications podcasting, let’s explore some real-world examples:

  1. “Inside [Company Name]: Conversations with Our Leaders” – This podcast features interviews with senior leaders within the organization, offering valuable insights into their experiences, strategies, and vision for the company.
  2. “The [Company Name] Insider” – A podcast that focuses on highlighting employee success stories, innovations, and initiatives within the organization, fostering a sense of pride and community among employees.
  3. “The [Company Name] Learning Series” – This podcast is dedicated to providing training and development opportunities for employees, covering a wide range of topics such as leadership, communication skills, and industry trends.

These examples demonstrate the diverse ways in which internal communications podcasts can be utilized to engage, inform, and inspire employees.


Internal communications podcasting has become an essential tool for organizations to effectively communicate with their employees. Its accessibility, engagement potential, and cost-effectiveness make it an attractive medium for sharing information, fostering a sense of community, and promoting organizational culture. In the next sections, we will delve into the key aspects of being an internal comms podcast editor, from planning and preparation to recording techniques, editing, and distribution strategies.

How to Plan and Prepare Content for Internal Comms Podcast

Planning and preparing content is a crucial step in creating a successful internal comms podcast. In this section, we will explore the essential aspects of content planning and preparation to ensure that your podcast effectively communicates the organization’s message and resonates with your audience.

Understanding Your Audience

Before diving into content creation, it is essential to have a deep understanding of your target audience. Consider the demographics, interests, and needs of your employees. Ask yourself:

  • What topics are relevant and valuable to them?
  • What challenges or questions do they have?
  • What communication styles and formats do they prefer?

By understanding your audience, you can tailor your content to their specific needs, ensuring that it resonates and engages them effectively.

The Importance of Clear and Effective Messaging

Crafting clear and effective messaging is key to engaging your audience and conveying your organization’s message. Consider the following:

  • Define your podcast’s purpose and objectives: What do you want to achieve with your podcast? Is it to inform, inspire, or educate? Clarify your goals to guide your content creation process.
  • Develop a consistent tone and style: Determine the tone and style that align with your organization’s brand and culture. Will it be formal or informal, conversational or instructional? Consistency in tone and style helps create a cohesive podcast experience.
  • Structure your content: Organize your episodes in a logical and structured manner. Consider using segments, interviews, or storytelling techniques to keep your content engaging and easy to follow.

Creating a Content Calendar

A content calendar is a valuable tool for planning and organizing your podcast episodes. It helps ensure consistency, manage your content pipeline, and maintain a regular publishing schedule. Consider the following when creating your content calendar:

  • Determine episode frequency: Decide how often you will release new episodes. Will it be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly? Consistency in episode release builds anticipation and helps keep your audience engaged.
  • Identify episode topics: Brainstorm and research potential episode topics that align with your organization’s goals and your audience’s interests. Create a list of ideas and prioritize them based on their relevance and timeliness.
  • Assign responsibilities and deadlines: If you are working with a team, clearly define roles and responsibilities for each episode, including research, scripting, and guest coordination. Set realistic deadlines to ensure smooth production.
  • Incorporate seasonal or timely content: Consider incorporating seasonal or timely topics into your content calendar to keep it fresh and relevant. This can include industry trends, company updates, or special events.

By creating a content calendar, you can stay organized, ensure consistent content production, and make the most of your podcasting efforts.


Planning and preparing content for your internal comms podcast is a critical step in creating a successful and engaging show. Understanding your audience, crafting clear and effective messaging, and creating a content calendar will set the foundation for the episodes to come. In the next sections, we will explore the recording techniques, editing, and post-production processes that will bring your content to life.

Recording Techniques for Internal Comms Podcast

Recording techniques play a vital role in ensuring that your internal comms podcast sounds professional and engaging. In this section, we will explore the essential aspects of recording techniques, including choosing the right recording equipment, implementing best practices for audio recording, and mastering interview techniques for podcasting.

Choosing the Right Recording Equipment

Selecting the appropriate recording equipment is crucial for capturing high-quality audio for your internal comms podcast. Consider the following factors when choosing your recording equipment:

  • Microphones: Invest in a high-quality microphone that suits your recording environment. Dynamic microphones are ideal for minimizing background noise, while condenser microphones capture more detail and are suitable for controlled recording spaces.
  • Headphones: Use closed-back headphones to monitor your audio while recording. This helps you catch any issues or background noise and ensures that the audio quality is satisfactory.
  • Audio Interface or Recorder: Depending on your setup, you may need an audio interface to connect your microphone to your computer or a portable recorder for on-the-go recordings. Choose a reliable and user-friendly device that suits your needs.
  • Acoustic Treatment: Consider incorporating acoustic treatment in your recording space to minimize echo and unwanted reverb. Foam panels, bass traps, and diffusers can significantly improve the overall sound quality.

Audio Recording Best Practices

Implementing best practices during the recording process is essential to capture clean and professional audio. Consider the following tips:

  • Choose a quiet recording environment: Find a quiet space with minimal background noise to ensure clear recordings. Avoid areas with echo or excessive ambient noise.
  • Test and adjust microphone placement: Experiment with microphone placement to find the optimal position for capturing clear and balanced audio. Maintain a consistent distance from the microphone to ensure consistent sound quality.
  • Use a pop filter: A pop filter placed in front of the microphone helps reduce plosive sounds (such as “p” and “b” sounds), ensuring a smoother and more pleasant listening experience.
  • Monitor audio levels: Keep an eye on your recording levels to avoid clipping or distortion. Aim for a balanced audio signal that is neither too soft nor too loud.
  • Conduct sound checks: Before recording, perform sound checks to ensure that all equipment is functioning properly and that the audio quality meets your standards.

Interview Techniques for Podcasts

Interviews can add depth and variety to your internal comms podcast. When conducting interviews, consider the following techniques:

  • Prepare thoughtful questions: Research your interviewee and prepare a list of relevant and engaging questions in advance. This helps guide the conversation and ensures that you cover the desired topics.
  • Active listening: Engage actively with your interviewee, listening attentively and responding appropriately. This creates a dynamic and engaging conversation that resonates with your audience.
  • Foster a comfortable atmosphere: Create a relaxed and welcoming environment for your interviewee. Establish rapport, make them feel at ease, and encourage open and honest dialogue.
  • Respect time constraints: Be mindful of your interviewee’s time and keep the conversation focused. Prioritize key topics and allow for natural flow and transitions.
  • Edit with care: During the editing phase, ensure that the interview is edited in a way that maintains its authenticity and integrity. Remove any unnecessary pauses, ums, or repetitions while preserving the essence of the conversation.


Recording techniques are crucial for producing high-quality internal comms podcasts. By choosing the right recording equipment, implementing audio recording best practices, and mastering interview techniques, you can ensure that your podcast sounds professional, engaging, and captivates your audience. In the next section, we will explore the role of an editor in podcasting and the editing and post-production process.

Editing and Post-Production for Internal Comms Podcast

Editing and post-production are essential steps in the podcast production process that transform raw recordings into a polished and professional final product. In this section, we will explore the role of an editor in podcasting, basic editing techniques, enhancing audio quality, and adding music and sound effects to create an immersive listening experience for your internal comms podcast.

The Role of an Editor in Podcasting

The role of an editor in podcasting is to shape and refine the raw recordings into a cohesive and engaging episode. As an editor, your responsibilities may include:

  • Reviewing and selecting the best takes: Listen to the recorded material and choose the best takes, ensuring that the audio is clear and the content is relevant.
  • Removing unwanted elements: Edit out any mistakes, long pauses, tangents, or irrelevant sections to maintain a smooth flow and concise episode duration.
  • Enhancing audio quality: Adjust levels, equalize the audio, and apply noise reduction techniques to improve the overall sound quality.
  • Adding intros and outros: Create a professional and branded introduction and conclusion for each episode to provide context and a smooth transition.
  • Incorporating music and sound effects: Select appropriate music and sound effects to enhance the listening experience, create transitions, and set the mood.

Basic Editing Techniques

When editing your internal comms podcast, you can employ various techniques to improve the overall quality and coherence of the episode. Consider the following:

  • Cut and trim: Remove unnecessary sections, pauses, or mistakes to maintain a concise and engaging episode.
  • Smooth transitions: Use crossfades or fades in and out to create seamless transitions between segments, interviews, or music.
  • EQ and compression: Equalize the audio to balance frequencies and make voices sound clear and natural. Apply compression to even out volume levels and add consistency.
  • Noise reduction: Reduce background noise, hums, or any unwanted audio artifacts using noise reduction tools or plugins.
  • Pace and timing: Adjust the pace and timing of the episode by tightening or extending sections to maintain a dynamic and engaging flow.

Enhancing Audio Quality

To ensure that your internal comms podcast has excellent audio quality, consider the following techniques:

  • Adjust levels: Balance the volume levels of different tracks to ensure that voices are audible and consistent.
  • Equalize the audio: Use an equalizer to adjust the frequency balance, enhancing the clarity and presence of voices.
  • Apply noise reduction: Reduce background noise, hums, or hisses using noise reduction plugins or tools.
  • De-essing: Address any excessive sibilance (harsh “s” or “sh” sounds) by using de-essing techniques or plugins.
  • Normalize the audio: Normalize the audio levels to a standard level, ensuring that it is neither too soft nor too loud.

Adding Music and Sound Effects

Adding music and sound effects can enhance the overall listening experience and create a professional and engaging atmosphere. Consider the following tips:

  • Select appropriate music: Choose music that aligns with the tone and style of your podcast. Consider using royalty-free music libraries or hiring a composer to create original music.
  • Integrate music strategically: Add music at the beginning and end of episodes, during transitions, or to underscore specific segments or emotions. Ensure that the music complements the content and does not overpower the voices.
  • Use sound effects sparingly: Incorporate sound effects to enhance storytelling or highlight key moments. Be mindful of not overusing them, as it can distract or overwhelm the listeners.


Editing and post-production are crucial steps in creating a polished and professional internal comms podcast. As an editor, your role in shaping the episode, applying basic editing techniques, enhancing audio quality, and incorporating music and sound effects is vital. In the next section, we will explore the importance of effective distribution and engagement strategies to ensure that your podcast reaches your intended audience and maximizes its impact.

Ensuring Effective Distribution and Engagement

Once you have created and edited your internal comms podcast, it’s time to focus on ensuring effective distribution and engagement. In this section, we will explore the key aspects of distributing your podcast and engaging your audience, including choosing the right distribution platform, marketing your podcast internally, and measuring listener engagement and feedback.

Choosing the Right Distribution Platform

Selecting the right distribution platform is crucial for reaching your target audience and making your internal comms podcast easily accessible. Consider the following options:

  • Internal platforms: Utilize internal communication tools already in place within your organization, such as intranets or employee portals. This ensures that your podcast is easily accessible to all employees.
  • Podcast hosting platforms: Explore popular podcast hosting platforms like Libsyn, Podbean, or Anchor. These platforms provide easy distribution to major podcast directories and offer analytics to track your podcast’s performance.
  • Internal podcast apps: Consider developing an internal podcast app specifically for your organization. This allows for a centralized and branded platform for employees to access and listen to your podcast.
  • Social media platforms: Leverage social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook to promote and share episodes with your organization’s employees.

Evaluate the features, accessibility, and analytics provided by each platform to determine the best fit for your internal comms podcast.

Marketing Your Podcast Internally

To ensure that your internal comms podcast reaches and engages your audience, it’s important to develop a marketing strategy within your organization. Consider the following marketing tactics:

  • Internal promotion: Use internal communication channels such as email newsletters, intranet banners, or digital signage to promote new episodes and generate excitement.
  • Teasers and previews: Release teasers or preview clips of upcoming episodes to pique the interest of your audience and create anticipation.
  • Collaborate with other departments: Partner with other departments or teams within your organization to cross-promote your podcast and reach a wider audience.
  • Employee testimonials: Encourage employees to share their thoughts and experiences about the podcast to generate positive word-of-mouth and create a sense of community.
  • Employee spotlights: Feature employees or teams within your organization in episodes to increase engagement and provide valuable insights.

Measuring Listener Engagement and Feedback

To gauge the success of your internal comms podcast and continuously improve, it’s important to measure listener engagement and gather feedback. Consider the following methods:

  • Analytics: Utilize the analytics provided by your chosen distribution platform to track metrics such as downloads, listens, and engagement rates. Analyze this data to identify trends and patterns.
  • Surveys and feedback forms: Create surveys or feedback forms to gather input and suggestions from your audience. Ask for feedback on episode topics, guest suggestions, or overall podcast experience.
  • Employee feedback channels: Leverage existing employee feedback channels, such as suggestion boxes or internal communication platforms, to encourage employees to provide feedback on the podcast.
  • Social media interactions: Monitor social media platforms for comments, likes, and shares related to your podcast. Engage with your audience and respond to their feedback or questions.

By measuring listener engagement and gathering feedback, you can gain valuable insights to refine your content, address any concerns, and continuously improve the impact of your internal comms podcast.


Effective distribution and engagement strategies are essential for the success of your internal comms podcast. By choosing the right distribution platform, marketing your podcast internally, and measuring listener engagement and feedback, you can ensure that your podcast reaches your target audience, generates enthusiasm, and continues to evolve based on valuable insights. In the final section, we will summarize the key points discussed and reiterate the essentials of being an internal comms podcast editor.